Thursday, July 30, 2009

Sunrise, Sunset

Nathan is growing up so fast. I love to watch him grow and learn, but it sort of breaks my heart. I know I'm not the first mother to feel this way, nor will I be the last, but it's such a strange feeling.

Today he found one of those poppers that you turn inside out and put on a table and then it pops into the air. It's a really big one, though, about 2 inches in diameter. He figured out that if he put it on his mouth and breathed in it would stick but (because there's a small hole it) as soon as he stopped it would fall off. I know it seems like small potatoes, but that's a physics lesson.

Charming :o)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ultrasound Pics from 10 Weeks 3 Days

10 weeks 6 days

Whew! It's been a month since I blogged!
As my doctor pointed out on Monday, I'm one quarter of the way done with my pregnancy. Ack! For some reason that freaks me out....
I'll be 11 weeks tomorrow. That means in 11 days I'll be done with my 1st trimester. (Each trimester is 12 weeks and 3 days, medically speaking.)
I'm still pretty sick in the mornings. I have a cute little routine...I wake up, pee, turn the shower on, throw up, take a shower, pee again, brush my teeth. I'm hoping it goes away soon. I was sick until 16 weeks with Nathan, though, so I doubt this pregnancy will be any different.
I think it's a girl. I really, really, REALLY (really) want another boy, but I'm pretty sure it's a girl. We'll find out in September and, honestly, I'll be surprised if it's a boy.
I went to the doctor on Monday. The baby is doing VERY well. He did a quick ultrasound and you can see arms and eye sockets. S/he looks like a little alien!