Sunday, June 7, 2009

4 Weeks and 4 Days

My hips are killing me. I don't remember this much pain when I was pregnant the first time. Then again, I wasn't chasing a toddler the first time, either.

I've read that the hips start to shift early in pregnancy. That gives them 9 months to get ready to let the baby through. It's a painful shift, though.

As I'm writing this, Nathan is napping. I can't help but imagine what life will be like when we have another little one around. I keep imagining the baby, but s/he just looks like Nathan did when he was first born. I can't wait to see what this baby will look like.

I think it's a boy. Call it mother's intuition. (Of course, I have a 50% chance of being right!)

Of course, my guess could be clouded by the fact that I really want another boy. Of course, it goes without saying, all I REALLY want is a healthy baby. But, after that, a boy would be great. I think it's just because I know what to expect....sort of....

I have been having some of the CRAZIEST pregnancy dreams. The other night I dreamt I was being chased by Russians and I escaped them in my flying golf cart.

Last night I had a dream I had a German Shepard mix named Charlie. THEN I got in a huge argument with one of my best friends form work because she was chewing tobacco and thought it was no big deal. There also was a period in that dream when I was chasing after two little boys on a train and I kept telling them to stop (they were running towards the door at the end of the train car and I was afraid they were going to fall between the cars) and the wouldn't listen to me. I think that one was just my fear of being a mother to two toddlers. (Even though they both won't be toddlers at the same time.)

Our first appointment is on Tuesday, June 9th. We will get an ultrasound but as I'll only be 4 weeks 6 days it's highly unlikely that we will see a heartbeat. I'll post more on Tuesday about the appointment!