Sunday, June 14, 2009

Names and Feelings...

We've been talking about names for the baby. Even though I'm barely 5 weeks pregnant we want to be able to know the baby's name when we have our "big" ultrasound in approximately 13 weeks. Assuming the little one cooperates, we'll be able to find out the sex and then be able to refer to him/her by his/her first name instead of calling him/her "the baby" (not to mention get rid of the need to use multiple pronouns).

As I mentioned previously, we really want a boy. Ironically, that is the name we're having a problem coming up with. We've known for a LONG time that if we have a little girl we're going to name her Liliana Mae (Lily, for short). We both really like the name Alexander (Alex, for short) for a little boy. But, in 2008, Alexander was the 6th most popular name for boys. I'm worried about our child having the same name as 30 other little boys in his school.

I know it seems silly, but there were a lot of girls that had the same name as me when I was growing up, and it was frustrating sometimes. (I always had to be "Amanda K." in elementary school. I could never just be "Amanda".)

We've toyed with some names but our favorite so far is Matthew Alexander. I'm sure we'll keep playing with names for the next few weeks.

Part of me feels like we shouldn't even worry about it because I think it's a girl. I read a study this week that says when asked what they think the baby will be, the pregnant mother is correct 71% of the time. That's a lot better odds than the 50/50 chance of guessing correctly if it's a boy or girl...I guess we'll find out!