Tuesday, June 9, 2009

First doctor's appointment today!

We had our first doctor's appointment today. It was pretty uneventful. The nurse did an ultrasound but our little bean is only the size of a poppy seed right now so we couldn't see him yet. She did confirm that my uterus has a nice thick lining and is ready for the baby to start growing (yay!).

Other than that it was pretty uneventful. Just a bunch of paperwork and stuff.

So, I am only supposed to gain between 15 - 25 pounds this pregnancy. My goal is to gain even less than that. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be unhealthy, but I'd like to develop healthier eating habits anyway and what better excuse than because I'm responsible for feeding the baby?

We go back to the doctor in July. I'll post ultrasound pics then!